
5 Ways To Tell A Great Home Buyer From A Bad One In Dallas, Texas.

Tell A Great Home Buyer From A Bad One In Dallas, Tx.

So, you are in the market to sell your house and are comparing home buyers in Dallas, Texas. How do you know if this buyer is a great home buyer or a bad one? How do I “tell a great home buyer from a bad one in Dallas, Texas?” With the wonders of today’s internet, you are able to do your homework on just about anything or anyone! Check with credible rating sources to see what other people’s experiences have been, see if they are active on social media, how does their website look? What kind of property do they regularly purchase?

At We Buy Houses Cash Dallas, we are on all major social media sites, but what is most important is that we are a trusted member of the Better Business Bureau and Trust Pilot. Some folks could careless about either of those sites, but you must maintain a good profile in business, character, social websites, etc.etc. and anybody can read our reviews that are post on the Better Business Bureau and Trust Pilot.

As well we have many great reviews on our website, so one does not have to go too far to find out if we are credible, a good business to work with as well my personal background. So, how do you tell a great home buyer from a bad one in Dallas, Texas? Continue reading this blog post by We Buy Houses Cash Dallas, and you can read hundreds more blogs from us on our main website to learn more about how we conduct ourselves and how we do business.

Quick Cash

To tell a great home buyer from a bad on in Dallas, Texas, you sometimes need to look at the way they do business. Great home buyers will offer you a quick closing; sometimes as fast as 2 business days. They will offer to pay for your property in 100% cash, but may also use other payment types to suit the situation. Bad home buyers are difficult to get in touch with, they may offer you a quick closing but constantly delay or do not return your phone calls or emails. If they do close, they may have had to be qualified for a loan first, and hopefully, they are able to have the final closing.

Great home buyers will also not typically renegotiate unless extraneous situations arise or hidden facts are uncovered. Bad home buyers may try to readjust the price, maybe even multiple times.

When a home needs to adjust or stalls when it’s time to close, they are usually wholesalers in the real estate business. Wholesalers will find a seller who may need to sell fast. The wholesaler will write up the real estate contract with the seller and promise to close quickly. In my experience, when a wholesaler cannot close quickly it’s because they do not have any go to cash buyer’s in their network. This only one way to tell a great home buyer from a bad one in Dallas, Texas.

In other words, a wholesaler is not a cash buyer and cannot provide the closing as stated on his or her contract. That does not mean they are bad, it only says that they are usually new to the world of real estate and have yet to build their network of cash buyers.

Great Reviews

A great home buyer will have a lot of reviews, mostly positive. We all know that things happen, and sometimes people make mistakes, we are only human, so there may be some negative reviews. This shouldn’t sway your decision too much at first, but make sure to read if the home buyer has responded to the reviews. If they did, how did they handle the situation? Do you agree with how they handled it? If you were the seller in that situation, would you have been settled? Also, don’t be afraid to ask around. Have your family or friends ever heard of this buyer?

Leaving a bad review on ones business, when that person or business owner has the opportunity to delete the bad review, says something about that person and his business all together. To tell a great home buyer from a bad one in Dallas, Texas, takes some know how.

Their Personality

To tell a great home buyer from a bad one in Dallas, Texas, is usually pretty easy when personality comes into play. Great home buyers have a positive attitude about real estate and they follow through. If you ask them to call you back at a certain time, they will do so consistently. They will talk a good game, and back it up too! Bad home buyers will amp you up and disappoint. They will set appointments with you, and never call you back or never show up. Can you imagine, spending hours tidying up, cleaning the house, and the potential buyer never shows up?


When you are trying to tell a great home buyer from a bad ne in Dallas, Texas, references are an important part of business. A great home buyer will have multiple references you can call to see how they do business, and they shouldn’t hesitate to answer any of your questions. If they do, then this may be a sign they are a bad home buyer. Look at their website, does it list reviews? Are they situation-specific, or is it a really general, too good to be true review that makes you question if their employees wrote them? Do they have a presence on social media or other rating websites? What are their followers saying in their comments? Do they have public reviews to read? 

When a home seller wants references, they usually want to speak with somebody who recently sold their to us, as well as a seller from months ago. What we do in the references situation, is of course what it is the seller wants. We also provide our Title company and/or attorney as a reference, or at least the seller can speak with them to determine how we conduct our business. Again, there are many ways to tell a great home buyer from a bad one in Dallas, Texas, this may help some sellers reluctance to sell to us.


A great home buyer will commit to a relatively quick closing date, anywhere from 2 to 30 days and will provide a deposit. They will not try to rush you out of the home and stay in contact with the title company. A bad home buyer may try to extend the closing date multiple times, or ignore the closing date altogether and may have never submitted their deposit according to the contract. If the buyer is using financing, there will be very few items listed on the commitment letter. Bad home buyers will have multiple issues listed on their commitment, possibly questioning sources of funds and a sudden drop in credit score.

Please call us at (214) 723-1304, or robert@webuyhousescashdallas.com to discuss ways to tell a great home buyer from a bad one in Dallas, Texas.

In Summary

Most home sellers can and will determine the good and bad people that they deal with on a daily basis. When it comes to determining if a business is good or bad, well you only have to deal with the owner of the business. I have kept my business small for several reasons. One, I only want to homeowner seller to be dealing with me or my son. From that stand point, the seller can determine that we are not only good people to deal with and work with, but integrity comes in to play an important part of who we are and what we say and do are the same.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read our blog post, and we hope that you continue reading more of our post.

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